Release Notes rvsEVO Version 05.04 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 2 INFORMATIONS ABOUT rvsEVO 05.04 3 KNOWN BUGS 4 PATCHLIST 1 Introduction -------------- With this distribution you get the latest version of the product rvsEVO, Release 05, Subrelease 04, Patch Level according to patch list (chapter 4 of this document). This version is available for the operating systems Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 Linux UNIX System requirement: capable to run Java Runtime Environment 1.5 2 Informations about rvsEVO 05.04 ---------------------------------- rvsEVO is a lean OFTP implementation in Java. It supports the OFTP standard in version 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 as well as 2.0. It is intended for low- or middle range-traffic situations (Tiny and Standard Edition) as well as higher range-traffic (Enterprise Edition). 2.1 New Features in 5.04 ------------------------ - Virtual stations - rvsEVO EE only: Monitor log can be written to database 2.2 Offline Encryption and Compression -------------------------------------- In addition to the OFTP2 features rvsEVO supports offline encryption as it is known from Com-Secure, rvsPortable as well as rvsMVS. Please note the following system requirements and constraints/hints: Using Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files: --------------------------------------------------- rvsEVO uses the JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) of Sun Microsystems, Inc to implement the cryptographic features. Due to import control restrictions of some countries, the JCE jurisdiction policy files shipped with the Java 2 SDK, v 1.5 allow "strong" but limited cryptography to be used. An "unlimited strength" version of these files indicating no restrictions on cryptographic strengths is available for those living in eligible countries (which is most countries). You can download this version and replace the strong cryptography versions supplied with the Java 2 SDK, v 1.5 with the unlimited ones. Therefore you have to carry out the following steps: 1. Download the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files from this site: Choose on the shown page in "Other Downloads" the download link for: "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 5.0". 2. Install the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files: Extract the files in the folder jce of the downloaded archive file and copy it into the directory $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security. The files must reside afterwards directly in the folder security, not in the security/jce. Hint for using JVM from IBM: 1. If you use Java 2 SDK, v1.5 from IBM you need to install the unrestricted policy files from IBM. Which could be downloaded using the following URL: Choose on the shown page the link "IBM SDK Policy files". 2. In the used JRE in the file ../jre/lib/security/ BouncyCastle has to be added at the 6th position. Example of the security provider list (part of file #List of providers and their preference orders (see above): security.provider.6=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider 3. If you use TLS with JVM from IBM you need to change in the file $RVS_HOME/conf/TLSParameter.xml in both the blocks "keyManagerParameter" and "trustManagerParameter" the value of "keyManagementAlgorithm" from "SunX509" to "IbmX509". Hint for using SunOS as operating system rvsEVO uses BouncyCastle as security provider. BouncyCastle must be inserted at the 3rd place in the security provider list of the java security system. By default this will be inserted at the 2nd place by rvsEVO itself, if it isn't still present. It could also be configured in the used JRE. The file $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ could be adapted for this. A detailed description how to do that is included in that file. Entry for BouncyCastle: security.provider.=org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider = position 3 Known Bugs ------------ - The feature download TSL is not working in commandline tool importTSL [EVO-728] - rvsEVO EE with Oracle creates during update installation error message: "/home/qsevo/rvsEVO/archive/users.xml java.sql.SQLException : ORA-00955 : name is already used by an existing object" Even so update installation is successfull [EVO-1026][EVO-1071] 4 Patch List ------------ 07.02.2013 Changes from 5.04.13 to 5.04.14 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - In case of routing of fixed or variable files in binary mode that contained the byte 0x0A the record structure got changed [EVO-1671] - When delivering files without timestamp it happened on Linux systems that the files had been overwritten [EVO-1673] - Creation of sendjobs allowed to use underscore ('_') as character in VDSN even for None-ACX transmissions; this caused problems on router and destination in case not rvsEVO got used; in the file it is possible to use rvs_evo.controller.underscore_in_vdsn_allowed=true to reactivate the usage of underscore [EVO-1687] - In the user documentation of conversion tables the table IBM-237 instead of IBM-273 had been mentioned [EVO-1667] - CMD tool "getJobInfoList" did not work because of field recordMode [EVO-1626] Improvements: - New CMD tool "restartListener" for starting, stopping or retarting of Listener added [EVO-1622] - Monitor log message SESSION_CREATED for incomming connections added [EVO-1677] - In the user documentation the description of sending emails for disk space check added [EVO-1537] 06.11.2012 Changes from 5.04.12 to 5.04.13 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Release of EERP using rvs Client API could fail even job state was indicating that EERP is ready for relaeasing [EVO-1587] - Shell command updateStationList returned 0 (success) in case of connection or login errors [EVO-1575] - Reception of ESID after sending SFID resulted in a loop and blockade of ressouces (OutOfMemory) at the rvs OFTP Proxy [EVO-1564] - Errors occured in the Transfer view in case of a firewall between remote client and server (wrong RMI-Port of Joblist [EVO-1542] - TransmissionFailWaitTime didn't work in case more than one job was queued for sending to one partnerstation [EVO-889] 27.07.2012 Changes from 5.04.11 to 5.04.12 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Installer now provides even in console mode and english installation for all parameters default values [EVO-1484] - Creation of a certificate request has led to an error in case key pair did not contain an Odette-ID or hostname [EVO-1531] Improvements: - After Backup in case of running server, all communication processes will be automatically started again [EVO-1488] - For the creation of a key pair (private key) apart from Odette-ID or hostname now as well an IP can be configured [EVO-1534] - Errors of response signature validation (EERP/NERP) will now be shown in the topic Error of Jobdetails [EVO-1448] - The functions SEND NERP and DELETE JOB are now availaibe for jobs in state SP_FAILED [EVO-1418] 22.05.2012 Changes from 5.04.10 to 5.04.11 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - In case of issues during disk space controll no emails had been sent [EVO-1526] - Jobstart on Failure ran into an error in case of parameter handling "ENV" [EVO-1525] - Stationlist table view: sorting of SID and Odette-ID was not working always correctly (now: strongly alphanumeric) [EVO-1510] - Wrong Observer configuration led to misbehaviour and error messages during startup of server [EVO-1502] - Installer rejects now installation paths containing an empty space, because of misfunction of server [EVO-1486] - XOT: closing of a connection could have led to blockades [EVO-1390] - Delete (forced) of a Job in state WF_SFID_ANSWER or WF_CDT didn't work [EVO-1372] - Observer: Error during sending in case of format F and no code coversion was selected [EVO-822] Improvements: - On running out of certificates warnings and errors will be written into monitor log, additionally email notifications can be sent [EVO-1394] - Stationlist table view: better defaults for column width are used and last user changes on table width will be present on next opening of the GUI [EVO-1512] - In Jobstart detail view a new button "Back" is added [EVO-1511] - rvsEVO checks now already as routing station which OFTP level is configured for the destination of the transmision and adopts OFTP properties (e.g SFID-COUNTER) or rejects the transmission with SFNA [EVO-1508] - SNMP: AgentLog-Level got extended with level 2 (only errors and warnings) and level 3 (only errors) [EVO-1508] - In case of errors during decryption or check of signature the error message will now show the ID of the expected certificate [EVO-1504] - Commandline scripts got extended for integration with phyton scripting [EVO-1485] - During creation of key pairs it is now possible to configure a hostname and Odette-ID [EVO-1458] - During delivery of a file hte monitor log will present additional information about issues relating to delivery like code conversion, replace, record handling [EVO-1440] 15.03.2012 Changes from 5.04.09 to 5.04.10 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - In case IP connection was setup by rvsEVO on AIX there was a performance problem during transmission of big files [EVO-1491] - Transmissions had been accepted with filenames (VDSN) containing an underscore; this will now only accepted for automated certificate exchanges (ACX) [EVO-1489] - Routing of ACX transmissions did not work [EVO-1487] - There had been a problem in the GUI with displaying long content in text fields [EVO-1483] - A file transmitted in OFTP format Text did not get stored correctly, in case the file contained the character hex FF [EVO-1479] - Migration of rvsPortable staitonlist: ISDN card number will get adopted from Portable counting (starting with 0) to rvsEVO counting (starting with 1) [EVO-1432] - In case of a certain usage of the GUI jobstarts could not be saved [EVO-1313] Improvements: - Error message improved for certificate actions in case it was not possible to write to the keystore [EVO-1481] - The size of the revision log can be restricted using the parameters MaxRevisionLogCount and MaxRevisionLogSize [EVO-1463] - rvsbat for send /create got extended with OFTP2 features [EVO-1461] - rvsbat got extended for configuring jobstarts [EVO-1310] - For Unix/Linux init scripts will be delivered in directory /tools/scripts [EVO-1276] - Installer suggests for all parameters default values (in console mode only for english installation) [EVO-1170] - The clientside port for uploading a file from client to rvsEVO server can be configured in rvsEvoClient.prefs with the parameter client.remotefileloader.port [EVO-1426] - For the creation of send jobs with the GUI user specific default values can be stored [EVO-1361] - For jobstarts using the parameter handling ENV two new parameters are introduced: RVS_ERROR_ID and RVS_ERROR_TESXT [EVO-1210] - In the GUI for SNMP notification as parameter value for AgentHostname only IP's had been accepted, but no hostname [EVO-194] 27.01.2012 Changes from 5.04.08 to 5.04.09 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Error during selection of ComSecure keys when configuring the usage in CertificateUsageDefinition.xml [EVO-1465] - For sending the use of the assigned receiver TLS keystore didn't work [EVO-1419] - For sending the use of the assigned receiver IP address didn't work [EVO-1443] - In case a serialized job runs into a fatal error (category FAILED) it was not possible to send any more files with the same label [EVO-1431] - GUI: in the tableview of the stationlist the sorting for Odette-ID or SID didn't work sometimes [EVO-1442] - When setting for a neighbour station security=forced it was not possible to perform OFTP2 certificate exchange transmissions [EVO-1399] - Key management for file security: error in view and functionality in case SID contained a dot [EVO-1444] - Error in Silent Setup fixed [EVO-1445] - Tool for import ComSecure private key ($RVS_HOME/tools/csi/ contained an error for Linux and Unix [EVO-1424] - Update-Installation: Update with change from Derby DB to Oracle DB contained an error in performing the transfer of job data [EVO-1415] - User documentation: description of backup EERP handling log file size limitation corrected [EVO-1329][EVO-1385][EVO-1430][EVO-1435] Improvements: - Update installation: the files CompressionParameter.xml, CryptoParameter.xml, PkiParameter.xml and rvsEvoClient.prefs in directory conf will not be overwritten anymore; instead the new versions of the files will be stored with extension ".new" [EVO-1449] - For Unix and Linux init scripts (start/stop scripts a stored in $RVS_HOME/tools/scripts [EVO-1276] - GUI: Error message for import a certificates got improved ( - GUI: Fehlermeldung bei Import eines Zertifikates wurde verbessert (differentiation between file not readable, not possible to parse and possible to import into keystore [EVO-1290] 09.12.2011 Changes from 5.04.07 to 5.04.08 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Even SessionWaitTime was set, no pending send jobs got transmitted [EVO-1400] - After 15 minutes inactivity of the server the GUI didn't show any more monitor log lines [EVO-1398] - In case of creating send jobs with observer it could happen that transmission got rejected with SFNA reson code = 13, "duplicate file" because of a timestamp error [EVO-1396] - The GUI didn't show certificates with validity start set to a future date [EVO-1377] - The function "delete forced" led for jobs in state WF_SFID_ANSWER and WF_CDT to errors [EVO-1372] - Server crashed in case an invalid ISDN card number was configured [EVO-189] Improvements: - rvsbat: VTYP=T is supported (function like VFTYP=X) [EVO-1397] - rvsbat: CODEIN and CODEOUT are supported with A=ASCII and E=IBM037 - For ISDN receiver the ISDN number can left empty for situation when the ISDN router is not transmitting a target number [EVO-1378] - Charset for OdetteID extended with underline "_" [EVO-1376] - CertificateUsasgeDefinition.xml extended to allow configuration of certificates and keys in relation to the destination of a file transfer [EVO-1375] - In case a partner is setting a invalid OFTP buffer size or credit, rvsEVO will end the OFTP session with ESID (reason=10) [EVO-1371] - During an update installation the files CertificateUsageDefinition.xml and TLSParameter.xml will not be overwritten anymore, but the new versions of these files will be stored with extension .new [EVO-1370] 15.11.2011 Changes from 5.04.06 to 5.04.07 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Error corrections for table view of stationlist [EVO-1368] - Error corrections for network ISDN which could have led to server crashes [EVO-1367] - Sending of file in format F and recordformat BIN led to an error in case the file size had been an exact multiple of the record length [EVO-1379] - Server crash case of reception of a NERP with empty NERPCREA field [EVO-1382] Improvements: - Extzension of rvsbat SEND /C for INITTIME (now N and H are supported) and TSTAMP [EVO-1318] - CreateSendJob parameter -F allows to use lower case letters [EVO-1360] - New Tool $RVS_HOME/tools/portable2codetable.bat/sh for transforming of rvs Portable codetables to rvsEVO codetables [EVO-1355] - Extension of the transformation of jobstart definitions of rvs Portable to rvsEVO with VFTyp and codetables [EVO-1350] 10.10.2011 Changes from 5.04.05 to 5.04.06 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Error in rvs OFTP Proxy Installer on Linux/Unix in update mode (endless loop in creation of backup files) [EVO-1365] - Jobstart with parameter handling REPLACE: DSNTEMP was not filled with temporary script name, default value for setting "rvs_evo.jobstarter.keep_temp_files" in was not set to "true" (rvs Portable compatibility), error on continues replacement of parameters [EVO-1364] - OFTP trace log was written in 12 hours format (changed to 24 hours format) [EVO-1353] - Saving a observer without receiver SID led to during server restart to an abortion [EVO-1320] 26.09.2011 Changes from 5.04.04 to 5.04.05 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Error occured in case there was a job in state FAILED_WITH_INVALID_PROTOCOL_VERSION; this job was not visible in the joblists [EVO-1349] - Configuration file characterSetConverters.xml was overwritten during update installation [EVO-1338] - XSD for stationlist update with XML was missing the extension to allow numbers as first character in a SID [EVO-1337] - Job in state ENDED_WITH_JS_ERROR reactivated itself [EVO-1299] Improvements: - [EVO-1321] For displaying a big stationlist it is possible to switch from tree view to table view. It can be configured in /conf/rvsEvoClient.prefs by setting the entry "client.stationlist.stationtree.enabled" to "false" Example: - Extension of command rvsbat with VFTYP X and U [EVO-1342], INITTIME [EVO1318, EVO-1341] and "+" for commandline continuation [EVO-1339] 16.08.2011 Changes from 5.04.03 to 5.04.04 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - rvsbat: Error solved when creating send entry with encryption or compression[EVO-1286] - Docu: rework on description of job status list [EVO-1282] - Docu: rework on description of jobstart parameter "Process (Server)" [EVO-1278] - ComSecure encryption of small or empty files has led to an error [EVO-1275] - rvsClientAPI: problems solved if setting parameter "security" [EVO-1269] - XSD for stationlist update with XML corrected to not allow space characters in Odette password [EVO-1012] - Jobstart after Receive/Sendattempt: Process (user script) was not started, if ParameterHandling=REPLACE [EVO-1311] Improvements: - When importing jobstart definitions from rvsPortable default from rvsPortable will be used if appropriate, e.g. ParameterHandling=REPLACE and RecordHandling=VTXT_FBIN [EVO-124] - When importing jobstart definitions from rvsPortable in the created XML all possible parameter will be listed, even they are empty [EVO-1295] - Station configuration: new parameter "VDSN Charset", values "ODETTE", "ALL": defines which characters will be permitted for VDSN at reception of a file [EVO-1292]; XSD for stationlist update with XML adopted accordingly [EVO-1291] - SID can hold arbitrary characters at the beginning except of "." [EVO-1274] - In case of defect in TLSParameter.xml and restart of rvsEVO server now the file name of the file will be wirtten in the error message [EVO-1245] - Docu extended with description of CertificateUsageDefinition.xml [EVO-1207] - Doku extended with description of procedure of migrating from rvsX to rvsEVO [EVO-1067] - New installation in existing directory now possible [EVO-1209] 11.07.2011 Changes from 5.04.02 to 5.04.03 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Automatic Certificate Exchange: ODETTE_CERTIFICATE_DELIVER had set SFIDDESC unnecessarily with disposition value [EVO-1271] - Observer created more than one sendjob per second when VDSN was set and destination was station with OFTP level<1.4 [EVO-1239/IN573611] - Error during reception of a variable vile in case file size was bigger than Odette buffer size [EVO-1237/IN561446] - 100% cpu usage in case of very big ressource check time (e.g. 600.000.000) [EVO-1233] - In case of sending a file with OFTP2 file security (CMS) no code conversion was performed [EVO-1223] - Remote-GUI doesn't show the value for parameter "Process" in the jobstart detail view [EVO-1206/IN565018/IN574948] - Error during saving of umlauts and special characters in the stationlist [EVO-1196] - Display of wrong parameter values in job deatils, in case this parameter was selected [EVO-1176/IN562633] Improvements: - Sending of fixed and variable files not longer only from text format (line separator as record separator), but now as well from binary format (without record separator) [EVO-1180] - Jobstart after Receive and Fail will not show parameter "send attemps" [EVO-1040] 20.05.2011 Changes from 5.04.01 to 5.04.02 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Update problem from rvsEVO 5.02 or lower to 5.03 or higher: Jobs, which has a jobstart after receive defined runs with JS_ERROR [EVO-1192] - scripts and processes, which are called from jobstart definitions and against recommendation produce outputs, can stop (stdout and stderr will not be processed). The scripts and processes should not produce outputs, but will not be stopped (if number low)[EVO-1191] - Windows 7: server time GMT or UTC, although GMT+1 was set -> this had effect for time in the log files and sheduling jobs [EVO-1139] Improvements: - Update installation checks, if rvsEVO processes are running and locking the installation files [EVO-1198] - Update installation is now faster by taking over the transmission jobs in the new database (Note: this process can last some minutes; please archive the ended and failed jobs with the tool bin/archiveJobs before updating.) - tool for the import of ComSecure key pair is now included in the distribution [EVO-1197]. 06.05.2011 Changes from 5.04.00 to 5.04.01 ------------------------------------------ Fixed bugs: - Error (stand still of installer due to out-of-memory error) during update installation in case of high amount of jobs [EVO-1164] - Linux: wrong language settings for monitor log was possible [EVO-1158] - It was possible to create two virtual stations with equal OdetteID [EVO-1146] - Transmission job actions not allways correct (menu, buttons, called action) [EVO-1077] Improvements: - JRE update to 1.5.0_22 to prevent Win7 GUI error during startup [EVO-1163]